PCB Manufacturing

Snaes Industries can assist you with either a circuit design or a PCB design. We will review the details of the PCB in terms of size, features, and assembly requirements, and we will design the PCB layout for you using the most recent CAD software available. We can design the circuit based on your specifications, or you can supply us with the circuit schematics, and we will design the PCB layout based on the interconnection in the schematics. Our PCB Engineer runs the PCB design through our design rules to ensure that it is manufacturable and that the PCB cost is not higher than the industry standard.

PCB Manufacturing Process

We must first gather the Requirements and Specifications, then consider the standards that the PCB must meet and choose the type of PCB material, copper thickness, and final PCB finish. The next step is to place the critical components and ensure that connectors and mechanically critical parts are properly positioned on the board. Then we route the data. We assumed that the Circuit Schematics were already designed and ready.

PCB routing is a time-consuming process because all connections, known as nets in schematics, must be converted to a copper trace that travels on the PCB and connects two or more points. These tracks may also travel to different layers, where they must pass through vias.

PCB Prototyping Process

We usually divide the circuits into smaller parts, and for the first board, we only manually assemble the parts on one circuit and test it; if there is no problem, we move on to the next circuit. This process is repeated until all components and circuits are finished.

In most cases, the very first board goes through this manual assembly and testing. If we discover an issue, the board will be modified to correct the problem, as will the design file. As a sample, we typically provide our customers with a final assembled PC Board that is error-free.